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Making It Interview...with Kaviya Ravi

Kaviya Ravi, contestant on NBC's Making It. Interview series highlighting makers who share their advice and why they make.

By Scott Mathson, Makerviews
Viewing on Google AMP - see the original interview here.

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Maker interview with Kaviya Ravi

Having recognized the passion, drive, and pure enjoyment of making things that each Making It contestant illustrates, Makerviews is excited to have the chance to highlight, feature, and share insights from each contestant. This Making It series gives a deeper look into these makers lives through their answers to a few, quick questions. Learn more about this series.

Kaviya Ravi is a color expert, designer, DIYer — a maker! Kaviya has a BFA in Interior Architecture and works as a display coordinator for Anthropologie as well as for herself, selling handmade goods under the khromo+philia brand name.

Check out this interview with Kaviya Ravi, maker from NBC’s Making It.

Making It Interview...

with Kaviya Ravi

What inspires you to keep making things?

"Everything! Inspiration is in every corner in this big beautiful world, all you have to do is open your eyes and look. Making is a way for me to connect with my surrounding, it is a way to release my emotions and process my path through life. It is liberating and creating with my hands brings me the greatest joy. I am happiest when I am in my studio tinkering with my materials and figuring out a way to bring the idea stuck in my head to life.

I do have periods of creative burnout, but I have always found my way back to making things. Like I said inspiration is everywhere and the most random thing can spark an idea and get me back to creating again."

What one piece of advice would you give to other makers?

"Never compare your growth and progress to anyone else. You are on your own creative journey that is just yours, so comparison is unfair. Always be open to learning from others but only create what you are passionate about and never what others say you should be making.

It may take a little bit of time, but hang in there and your people will find you. Things made with love and passion always shine bright, so be kind to yourself, be curious, learn, grow and you do you."

What is your biggest takeaway from Making It?

"The biggest take away is you never know where life is going to take you next. I never envisioned being a part of something like Making It and being on television. This wonderful show introduced me to these amazing humans that I now call my friends. It has taught me that I am capable of working under intense pressure, keeping my cool (most of the time haha) and creating beautiful things. The creative energy at that barn was through the roof and that changes you. I learnt so much from every single maker on that set, and I am really proud of the growth and progress I have achieved in my art as a direct result of that.

It made me take a deeper look within myself, like 'What kind of work do I want to put into this world?' and 'What am I hoping to achieve through this Journey?' and most importantly, 'What kind of human being do I want to be?' It was a very therapeutic process for me and I am so grateful that I got to be a part of it."

"You are on your own creative journey that is just yours, so comparison is unfair." — Kaviya Ravi

Follow Kaviya Ravi’s work: khromo+philia websiteInstagram profile.

View and learn more about the Making It interview series. Thank you all for reading this interview - get out there and make things!
