Makerviews exists to share the stories of and advice from a variety of talented makers, designers, and artists.
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You've landed on the fourth installment of the Maker Miniviews (mini, two question interviews) series. Learn more about these maker interviews and view a list of all Miniviews.
As makers, we all need to support each other in getting out there and making things. With that, brevity is key. That’s why I’ve taken a two-question approach in this series. Check out this interview with photographer, traveler, and life-junkie, Justin Kauffman.
"I think my biggest inspiration to keep taking photos is seeing new things. I love travel and I love getting to see and experience new places, people, locations, and things."
"If I were to give one piece of advice I think it would be to always take risks and always say yes. Even if something seems incredibly challenging or not at all possible, in the long run it will be worthwhile to push yourself and see what you can do.
There's been an incredible amount of opportunities that have landed in my lap because I've pushed myself and said yes...even if it's something I didn't think I'd be able to handle at first."
"Always take risks and always say yes..." — Justin Kauffman
Justin has built a very impressive following, particularly on Instagram. Be sure to check out his photos, work, and adventures - Justin's Instagram and website. Thank you for inspiring others with your photos, journey, and work, man!
Thank you all for reading this article, now get out there and make things!