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I'm a Maker Because...with Ben Stafford

Ben Stafford, Illustrator and Designer - Maker Miniviews series. These interviews are quick and to-the-point, check it out.

By Scott Mathson, Makerviews
Viewing on Google AMP - see the original interview here.

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Miniviews series - No. 48 with Ben Stafford

You’ve landed on the forty-eighth installment of the Maker Miniviews (mini, two question interviews) series. Learn more about these maker interviews and view a list of all Miniviews.

Ben Stafford is an illustrator, designer, speaker, and more. His creative process focuses on making illustrations that communicate complex ideas in a simple format. Ben runs his own creative studio and has worked with clients like National Geographic, ESPN, American Express, and many more.

Check out this interview with Ben Stafford.

I'm a Maker Because...

Ben Stafford interview

What inspires you to keep making things?

"I am inspired constantly by other mediums of art that I'm not proficient in. Whether that's music, sculpture, animation, films or any story that is rich in plot and character development. I so often want my work to resonate with the people that view it.

Having such visceral reactions to these things that I'm inspired by makes me want to make things that inspire others just as much. It's a noble drive and I'll continue to pursue it."

What one piece of advice would you give to other makers?

"Make things that aren't in your professional wheelhouse. Creating things that won't be paid for or judged takes a huge weight off of your shoulders and allows you the freedom to make without pressure.

I love to write short stories (micro-fiction) and have an Instagram account dedicated for that side project. I don't plan on ever making money off of it or want to be noticed by anybody in particular. I'd like to believe that making is more important than the affirmation we get from the things we make."

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"Making is more important than the affirmation we get from the things we make..." — Ben Stafford

Follow Ben Stafford’s work: Ben Stafford websiteTwitterInstagram profile.
