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This Maker Recommends...with Evan and Katelyn

Evan and Katelyn on This Maker Recommends series. Tools, supplies, and behind-the-scenes recommendations from your favorite makers.

By Scott Mathson, Makerviews
Viewing on Google AMP - see the original interview here.

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Evan (engineer, husband) and Katelyn (graphic designer, wife): this maker duo has been creating amazing YouTube video tutorials with DIY, woodworking, and metal working projects for quite some time now.

Learn more about these makers and see behind-the-scenes of Evan and Katelyn’s workshop:

This Maker Recommends...

with Evan & Katelyn

Who are you and what do you make?

"We're Evan and Katelyn and we make stuff together: woodworking, 3D printing, welding, props, CNC, home projects, sometimes practical stuff, sometimes totally unnecessary but fun stuff."

Learn more about Evan and Katelyn in the Miniviews series maker interview, here.

What tools are always nearby?

What’s on your workbench that doesn’t exactly belong there?

"A giant slab of marble - we use it for finish shots! Also an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner - we used it to experiment with some SLA 3D print cleaning but it's still out there. Also our propane cannon :D"

What’s one woodworking tool you couldn't do without? Why?

"Random orbit sander - If we had to hand sand everything I think we'd just end up with a lot of really rough furniture :P"

What are your favorite phone apps?

Thank you for reading this second installment of the “This Maker Recommends…” tool and supply recommendations series with Evan & Katelyn. Do you have any experience with some of the woodworking tools listed? Comment below or join in on the conversation on social media.

Bonus: Looking to up your video game? Check out some of the video and filming gear that Evan and Katelyn use and recommend: Fujifilm X-T10 (their main camera), Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 V (their vlogging camera), and Wireless lav mics.

"Our advice is to pick one project you're really excited about, and just focus on what you need to know for that one project..." — Evan & Katelyn, Maker Miniviews series - No. 7
